Friday, June 4, 2010
Table of Contents
Dear Reader Letter
Dear, Reader
Hello writers of the world! The name is Matt Scattaregia and I didn’t like to write before this class. I would shy away from writing a good piece because I simply didn’t know how to write well. My teachers in high school would just pass me with C’s on my paper. I don’t think I applied myself in writing like I should of. Writing is a part of everyday life, so it’s important to be a good writer. You can hold yourself high in the workplace. People will look at what you write and respect you. I think I have come far in writing since high school. I took English 92, which was all about grammar and punctuation. I actually can say that I learned something about writing from a class. In high school they never reviewed that stuff which made it hard to write well. I think was already strong in my writing is my ability to come up with ideas and go with them. It was always hard for me to come up with something I could really write without getting bored. When it comes to writing, I write best when I know more about the subject. I really love Baseball and Basketball, I could easily write about those. In school you don’t always get the opportunity to write on something you know or love. It’s a good thing and a bad. It defiantly helps you to open up and learn more. I think my strengths in writing are my ideas.Im able to get it on paper when I know allot about it. My weaknesses are off course is the grammar. It all takes practice though, with practice you get better in time. Taking English 97 I have learned allot to what I already knew and built a stronger foundation. What I liked about English 97 was the MWA’s were of your choosing. So I thought I did well with my work. I had many good works where I wanted you the reader to take a look at some of my works. For example take my MWA descriptive paragraph I thought it was highlight of my quarter. I also liked my MWA about my trip to Arizona. These works showed how I grew as a writer I really got better at punctuation my paper. Thanks in large part to the great feedback of my proofreaders.
Matt Scattaregia
Hello writers of the world! The name is Matt Scattaregia and I didn’t like to write before this class. I would shy away from writing a good piece because I simply didn’t know how to write well. My teachers in high school would just pass me with C’s on my paper. I don’t think I applied myself in writing like I should of. Writing is a part of everyday life, so it’s important to be a good writer. You can hold yourself high in the workplace. People will look at what you write and respect you. I think I have come far in writing since high school. I took English 92, which was all about grammar and punctuation. I actually can say that I learned something about writing from a class. In high school they never reviewed that stuff which made it hard to write well. I think was already strong in my writing is my ability to come up with ideas and go with them. It was always hard for me to come up with something I could really write without getting bored. When it comes to writing, I write best when I know more about the subject. I really love Baseball and Basketball, I could easily write about those. In school you don’t always get the opportunity to write on something you know or love. It’s a good thing and a bad. It defiantly helps you to open up and learn more. I think my strengths in writing are my ideas.Im able to get it on paper when I know allot about it. My weaknesses are off course is the grammar. It all takes practice though, with practice you get better in time. Taking English 97 I have learned allot to what I already knew and built a stronger foundation. What I liked about English 97 was the MWA’s were of your choosing. So I thought I did well with my work. I had many good works where I wanted you the reader to take a look at some of my works. For example take my MWA descriptive paragraph I thought it was highlight of my quarter. I also liked my MWA about my trip to Arizona. These works showed how I grew as a writer I really got better at punctuation my paper. Thanks in large part to the great feedback of my proofreaders.
Matt Scattaregia
Introduction to the major writing assignment
The first piece "How to obtain a sports collection" is an essay that I wrote during the last week of class. It was my last essay that I wrote for English 97.The reason I picked it was because I thought it showed an excellent example of how I grew as a writer.My strengths are the well detailed thoughts.I thought i did a good job telling you the reader how to do something.This excerpt shows what im talking about "When it comes to collecting sports cards, you want to have a favorite player or team in mind."This is the stepping stone to collecting.I hope you enjoy.
How to obtain a sports collection

How to obtain a Sports collection
Hey let me see that card! Is that Steve Pearce the new rookie? Yes his cards are going to be worth money in the future. How do I start a sports card collection? Well I will tell you right now. Collecting sports cards costs money, but you can treasure them for life. A sports collection can be considered a good investment or a bad one. People spend money on sports to obtain that one pull of a lifetime. Once you receive that special card you have a sense of satisfaction. Behind those packs can lay worthless single cards or the jackpot. The prices you pay for cards these days are insane. People always ask me why I collect sports cards; I tell them the joy it brings when I open a pack. I would like to share how to obtain sports collection without breaking the bank.
When it comes to collecting sports cards, you want to have a favorite player or team in mind. I always go for the underdog type of teams and players. If you collect underdog type players you are less likely to break the bank. What you collect is up to you, it could be your hometown team, or a player in another country. Whatever the case is, you want to have that one specific team or player in mind. This will save money because when you buy an unknown player. The player may get better over time and the card gains value. When you buy your cards, you look for that team or player only. Using this technique saves you time and money. Once you pick your collecting preferences, you will want to defiantly visit a local card shop. You should ask the store owner if he has your player or team. If they have it, then your collection will be off and running. I remember when I first started; I would go everywhere to find my favorite players. Sometimes I would be lucky and sometimes not. Once you get home and open the packs, you get one of your favorite players. You are really excited about what you got. Next I will tell you how you can save the most amount of money.
There are many ways to get the cards you want without spending an arm and a leg. I talked about going to your local card shop for insightful information and in store help. The bread and butter of card collecting, is to rely on the internet. Your sites like Ebay, Beckett, and Sportsbuy sells millions of cards. These are great sites to buy and are time efficient. EBay is more of an auction site so you can usually buy sports cards for under book value.Beckett sells cards at book value so you end up paying what its actually worth.Sportsbuy is not a well know site so you can find some sweet deals. All these websites are crucial to starting your collection off right.
Collecting cards can cost a large amount of money, but you will benefit in the end. Over the years collecting cards has declined due to the high costs. Every year companies produce new lines of cards. It keeps collectors on their toes and always begging for more. If you follow the guidelines to collecting cards you should see your collection grow .In the end you want to be happy with your collection.Collecting sports cards cost loads of money, but you can treasure them for life.
Introduction to the descriptive writing piece
My second piece I chose was "The Burgh's Diamond in the Rough". This was my first Major Writing Assignment(MWA)for English 97. I am very proud of this piece. I thought I did a good job describing a place,I have passion for.An example from the piece that shows description is "When you take your seat the crisp river mist hits your face".I can picture everything I write and I hope you can too.My passion really came out in my writing.I want to give you the reader the opportunity to enjoy.
The Burgh's Diamond in the Rough
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PNC Park opened in 2001, it has endured almost a decade of great baseball. PNC Park is home to the Pittsburgh Pirates and is located in Downtown Pittsburgh. PNC calls the north side of the Allegheny River home. When you take your seat the crisp river mist hits your face. Right before game time you chow down on a Permanti burger a local favorite. On a hot summer night, cicada bugs come out and greet you. Light posts turn into feeding frenzies. You make your way through the crowds and take your seat; you can smell the fresh cut grass and Cracker Jacks. It’s summertime in Pittsburgh and baseball is in full swing. The left field scoreboard read and it’s a Like a sonic boom the crowd roars, as a monster home-run is crushed. There is nothing like watching a game at PNC Park. The Pittsburgh skyline is so close you can reach out and touch it. Thousands of die-hard fans flock the stadium through the Clemente Bridge. You witness the swarm of people from the upper deck. It looks like a bunch of ants stocking their home for the winter. You look out into the sunset and see a commercial jet flying low into the airport. As the game nears the 7th inning, the crowd erupts for a quick ‘’Take Me Out to the Ball Game.’’ It’s as dark as a black cat on Halloween and the Pirates are down by one. Steve Pearce is up and the crowd leaps to their feet. It’s a three two-count, and the pitcher is dripping a warm sweat. A fastball is coming and Pearce jumps on it like a brown bear on a salmon. It’s a game-winning home run. On this night in Pittsburgh, the people leave PNC Park with a piece of history.

PNC Park opened in 2001, it has endured almost a decade of great baseball. PNC Park is home to the Pittsburgh Pirates and is located in Downtown Pittsburgh. PNC calls the north side of the Allegheny River home. When you take your seat the crisp river mist hits your face. Right before game time you chow down on a Permanti burger a local favorite. On a hot summer night, cicada bugs come out and greet you. Light posts turn into feeding frenzies. You make your way through the crowds and take your seat; you can smell the fresh cut grass and Cracker Jacks. It’s summertime in Pittsburgh and baseball is in full swing. The left field scoreboard read and it’s a Like a sonic boom the crowd roars, as a monster home-run is crushed. There is nothing like watching a game at PNC Park. The Pittsburgh skyline is so close you can reach out and touch it. Thousands of die-hard fans flock the stadium through the Clemente Bridge. You witness the swarm of people from the upper deck. It looks like a bunch of ants stocking their home for the winter. You look out into the sunset and see a commercial jet flying low into the airport. As the game nears the 7th inning, the crowd erupts for a quick ‘’Take Me Out to the Ball Game.’’ It’s as dark as a black cat on Halloween and the Pirates are down by one. Steve Pearce is up and the crowd leaps to their feet. It’s a three two-count, and the pitcher is dripping a warm sweat. A fastball is coming and Pearce jumps on it like a brown bear on a salmon. It’s a game-winning home run. On this night in Pittsburgh, the people leave PNC Park with a piece of history.
Introduction to the effective writing
I chose "Arizona's Majestic Land",because this piece of writing really shows my ability to write a story. You the reader have the ability to feel like you are there. I give you the reader some good sensory details of Arizona.An example showing "The skies that day were as dark as a black hole in space". This piece is a very good example of good sensory detail.Well read on readers,I hope you enjoy.
Arizona's Majestic Land

Property of sedonaviews.com
Arizona’s Majestic Land
In the summer of 2003, I went on a vacation of a lifetime. This vacation was well-planned and talked about beforehand. In one-car there was my grandmother, sister and cousin. In car two, there was my grandfather, call him Papa, my brother, and myself. The cars were packed with at least four weeks of stuff. A quick prayer and we were off to the great open road. Papa would always open and say, “Lord please bless our trip today, we ask you to bless our cars from front to back and give us peace, amen.”I remember that prayer word for word. While we were on this incredible journey, we hit Idaho where the car had to be fixed. We stopped in Montana for a few days of Yellowstone National Park. Through Utah for a Salt Lake experience and then we were in Arizona. In the deep part of the state we could see the Mexico border. Let me start off by saying that Arizona is one the most unique places on earth. The many desserts, extreme warm weather and the many rock formations are a one of a kind. It was a week and a half into the trip, we left Saint George Utah. The skies that day were as dark as a black hole in space. Furthermore we enjoyed an intense thunderstorm from the hotel balcony. The rocks were a sought for sore eyes; unforgettable. We visited both Zion and Bryce Canyon and this was by far the best part of a vacation. These many rocks are like no other in the world. You look out in the distance and just gaze at the majestic scenary.Looking off into the horizon you see canyon after canyon of bright orange and red rocks, illuminating the area around. I think this is one of the most spectacular sights known to man. We passed through Sedona where the rocks are red and bright as ever. We had a bite to eat and it was getting late, so we decided to settle in the town of Sedona. There I encountered my first scorpion sighting. This sucker was as huge as my shoe. My shoe is no ordinary size, I wear a size 13.I wanted to nickname it Mr.Scropio the steroid user. Well my new friend went on his way and I got back to the pool swimming in the Arizona night. This was our last day in Sedona; tomorrow we were headed to the Grand Canyon. The skies that day weren’t looking promising. The weather man had predicted heavy showers. In Arizona if you get a major rain storm, you have to be careful of flash floods. Some of the roads leading to the Grand Canyon are plain dirt roads. So you’re always cautious. Across the canyon we could see the fierce looking clouds looking straight at us. We got that feeling that Zeus was eyeing down on us. He wanted to ruin our day at the Canyon. One strike of the old triton and we would be heading on our way.
The skies cleared up, and we enjoyed a nice day of sightseeing at the Canyon. It was terrific and at the end of the day, we spent the night dining in an old saloon type restaurant. It reminded me of a movie I once saw with John Wayne. He took out the bad guys in the saloon, and rode off into the sunset. I was starving of hunger, so I ordered myself a great Angus steak, very tasty if I do say so. One of the greatest steaks I have ever eaten. My grandpa ordered the same thing. He always has to have mash potatoes, he always asked the waitress, “Are they canned mashed potatoes or real?” I started laughing he would always ask that question. My papa cracks me up. After dinner we settled into a Best Western and called it a day. The next day we woke up to the sound of the trucks compressing brakes .The sound of those brakes were more annoying than your three year old cousin hungry. If you ever stay at a hotel, you don’t want to be close to a highway on a hill. The hotel should accommodate you with a Bad News Bears movie because that’s exactly what it is.
So as morning broke;that was our last day in Arizona. I was sad to leave this great state. A quick prayer and we were off to California. Eventually we landed back home. We just completed a trip of a lifetime. With the time spent in Arizona I got to see things that I would only see there. I got to see the Grand Canyon and the many different formations of rocks in Sedona and many other sights that I didn’t even get to mention. There were so many memories from this trip, and Arizona really stands out in my mind. I will never forget the four weeks I spent traveling the open road. I got home the day of my birthday and celebrated that day. This trip couldn’t have gone better. It was one of those trips that you take to the grave with you.
Introduction to the writer's choice
The final piece I chose was about a significant holiday, I had experienced. I wrote it, either the first day or second day of class. It was the first thing we ever wrote in English 97.This is the reason why I chose it. This shows how my writing was at the beginning of the class. I want to give you, the reader a real sense of how I wrote.Here is an example "It was a hard fought match between both sides,but are hometown Seahawks won."It was an ok sentence,but could use some work.If you want to be good at something you have to practice. Since writing this I felt I have grown as a writer.
Significant holiday event

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A significant holiday event that I had experienced was about five years ago. It was Christmas Eve and are family was headed to the Seahawks game. Every Christmas the family had the traditional dinner and open present’s later. This year was different; the Indy Colts were in town. It was a battle of two great teams. It was sort of unique that the Seahawks were playing on Christmas Eve. It was a hard fought match between both sides,but are hometown Seahawks won. Spending this moment with my family made for a great Christmas.This was a Christmas to remember for sure.It’s times like these that make for a Christmas memories last forever.
Final Word
Over the course of English 97,I learned alot about myshelf as a writer.I came into class worried that i wouldn't succeed.I proved myshelf wrong.The hard work I put in really helped me to realize,I have potential of becoming a great writer.I know my grammar isn't top notch.In life everything takes practice so overtime I think I will master the subject. When I graduate college,I would like to hold myshelf high in the writing aspect of life.I would like to thank everyone in English 97 for a great quarter.Thanks for reading.
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